Play Your Heart Out!

August 29, 2011

Greetings Everyone!  I would like to draw your attention to the picture below, as it is important to me, and to you for several reasons. This is a photograph of my father at age 17, 1957, rocking out how rocking out was meant to be.  I cannot stress enough how many times I have looked to this photo for inspiration, a pick me up, or to simply remember why I do music in the first place.

I wanted to share this with the world as a symbol – One that clearly states “Whatever it is you’re doing….Give it your all, and play your heart out!”  This is something my father instilled in me my whole life, and it is a way of life that has brought me wonderful rewards, experiences, and interactions with amazing people.

Exactly 2 weeks ago, I lost my father to Cancer.  He positively affected so many people’s lives through his music, his big heart, and simply being an amazing human being.  He always did what he wanted to do in the ways he wanted to do it, despite what people said about his “Unconventional,” nature.   I was reminded of him from a line in the new version of Alice in Wonderland –

Alice to her father being distraught about people calling her crazy:  “Daddy, do you think I’m mad?”   Father to Alice: “Of course you are…..but all the best people are!”

My Dad was one of these people, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have spent my life learning from someone like him.

*Look at this picture, and see what transpires for you.  Maybe it will make you dust off an old guitar, ask a girl out on a date, or just have more fun in life.  Whatever happens, I’d love to know how it affects you.

Here’s to you Dad – Keep playing your heart out!  I know I will!

Love Michael/Mr. Bard

Lesson From San Fran Fog!

August 11, 2011

I found myself in San Francisco Bay a week and a half ago amongst a heavy fog.  It was surprisingly chilly given that it is summer time in the state of California!  Little did I know that this is a regular occurrence in the morning and evenings.


I was walking outside the Ferry Market Building towards the end of one of the piers, and took a seat to enjoy the view of the open ocean and Bay Bridge.  At around 11am, not a word of a lie, the fog evaporated in minutes, the temperature jumped to what felt like 20 degrees higher, revealing the most stunning of views to the onlooker.


This put me into a reflective state, and from this experience came a life lesson:

When it seems everything is fogged in, murky, and confusing, be patient, and hold your  ground.  Most people quit before the skies clear, thus constantly falling short of life’s  greatest rewards.

The parting of the skies inspired me to record my version of my Dad’s song “Sea Shanty,” as  it just seemed like the right time to do it.  Enjoy: