You eat your pizza like that?

September 28, 2017


Question for the pizza connoisseurs around Canada, and around the world for that matter…..How do you eat your pizza?

On my recent Canadian tour, I discovered a major difference in pizza consumption habits from West to East.  As a Western Canadian, I am familiar with pizza that has a fairly tough crust, making it easy to eat with your hands.   You might even be able to play a successful game of ultimate frisbee with it. However, I had the opportunity to have pizza in Eastern Canada several times this trip, and found the crusts to be particularly soft and a messy challenge to hold.

The best moment that exemplifies this discovery was when I was on the ferry going to Newfoundland.  There was I, trying to gain respectable control of a triangle of deliciousness, and BOOM!  Down to the table goes every topping as if it had just walked the plank into the unforgiving Atlantic, only to splash tomato residue in my face for extra shame points.  To top it all off…haha, no pun actually intended…everyone in my vicinity looked at me with eyes that spoke “Who let the West Coast heathen on the boat?” I then became aware of the cultural difference as every single person slowly went back to eating their pizza……with a fork and knife.

Are there any pizza anthropologists who would like to take a slice on this one?

Mr. Bard…on Canadian pizza